Friday, December 4, 2009

Role of Women

Recently a young college woman wrote, asking for some input from us which she might use for an honors project on the roles of women in society and family. She sent a list of questions to help her with this. I reflected on this a bit and sent her my answers, hoping they might be of some help. And how about you? How would you answer these questions?

1. What do you think is the role of a woman in life?

The role of woman in life proceeds from her nature. A woman's nature is always all about Life. She conceives, brings forth, and nurtures Life. This life can be in the form of a child, but can also be in all forms of life. Woman is also called to be an equal partner and helper to Man, just as he is to her, and thus they both come to fullness as human beings, made in the Image and Likeness of God.

2. How are we supposed to live as women to be in grace with God according to the bible?

To be 'in grace with God' essentially means to live with and by the divine life in us. A woman achieves this when she is most fully feminine (in Jungian terms), according to her nature. The feminine is a perfection of God; it is most complete when united with it's opposite, which is the masculine--another perfection of God. The ideal model of this is found in Christ, who though He was predominately male, united in Himself all the perfections of both male and female.

3. What do you consider as a bad woman?

I don't consider any woman as 'bad' in herself. She is incomplete insofar as she fails to live up to her true nature.

4. Do you think man and woman are consider the same? why or why not?

Man and woman are the same in that they are equally human beings and children of God. They are different in that they are male and female, and all that that infers.

5. what is the role that God intended for us as women?

Women are given by God the unique role of bringing forth and nurturing life. (See Question #1). Whatever form that takes, a woman must always be generative in order to be fulfilled. For most women, this is achieved in and through a faithful commitment to marriage as wife and mother. Some women fulfill their role as nuns, or teachers, or doctors or nurses, or by devoting themselves to the care of others in some form, and so on.
6. Is sexuality something not accepted by God?

God created the human being as male and female; He created us as sexual beings, and He does not despise anything He has made. Sexual union is holy, and makes us like God from whom all life comes forth. It is only unholy when we pervert it to our own selfish pleasure, having no relation to God who is Love.

7. Whats the importance of being a virgin?

To be a virgin means to be just what you are in yourself, never having been touched, used, or exploited. We speak of it, not just about persons, but even of things, e.g., a virgin forest; virgin snow; virgin olive oil. etc. It denotes something unique and precious, which once lost is gone forever. Sad to say, human virginity is not highly valued by many today. Some even say they are embarrassed to admit they are still virgins--just the opposite of how people thought only a few generations ago.
I believe that this value has been lost because the deepest meaning of sexual union has been lost by many. If intercourse is viewed in a shallow way, meaning nothing, merely for recreation, no commitment, no consequence, no emotional bond, it is no wonder that the integrity of the body as expressed in virginity is not valued.

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