Monday, September 14, 2009

La Saeta Serrat Antonio Machado

The Spanish are a passionate people--
just look at their poets, their dancers
their music, and above all at their saints.
And no people love the Passion of Jesus
like the Spaniards. Their songs and poems
to the Crucified are like love songs,
so full of longing and the agony of never
being able to love God enough.
Listen to this video, La Saeta Serrat,
and meditate on the words of the poem
by Antonio Machado set to music
and with visuals.


Dijo una voz popular:
Quin me presta una escalera
para subir al madero
para quitarle los clavos
a Jess el Nazareno?

Oh, la saeta, el cantar
al Cristo de los gitanos
siempre con sangre en las manos,
siempre por desenclavar.

Cantar del pueblo andaluz
que todas las primaveras
anda pidiendo escaleras
para subir a la cruz.

Cantar de la tierra ma
que echa flores
al Jess de la agona
y es la fe de mis mayores.

Oh, no eres t mi cantar
no puedo cantar, ni quiero
a este Jess del madero
sino al que anduvo en la mar!


Unknown said...

I'm writing a paper on this poem at Hendrix College in Conway, AR. I thank you very much for this wonderful translation. I will be writing my interpretation about what Machado is trying to present with this poem. Again thank you, and good job on the translation, it is very accurate!

-Spanish Student

Unknown said...

Kristen, would you tell us about your interpretation of this wonderful poem?

Unknown said...

I'm actually a student at the same college, and writing a paper on this poem. I take it to mean that Machado believes that there should be a shift in the reason why we are faithful. Giving faith to the Jesus on the cross seems to be done because he gave his mortal life for us, which is something any other person could do. However, the Jesus who walks on water creates a sense of the sublime in the middle of a storm. He also inspires Peter to walk on water. This idea of Jesus is one who realizes and engages the divinity within us.